
Wednesday, November 05, 2003

november 4,2003
hi babe! they have moved. nice place, i have the
whole room to myself and the net is fast here, (they must
have plugged into the civilian side of phoneland!lol!)
bad news, it is a very long walk from my barracks. i am
so glad you are patient with the e-mail and snailmail,
i need to start some snail mail day by day like you but
its such a rough environment for writing and the like, except
maybe in the evening hours before 'lights out'. you dont have to
send anything warm (not yet anyway LOL) but its getting cooler.
guys are leaving on r&r so im getting stuck with some night duty.
as long as i am not on patrol or guard tower duty i may be able
to write some. i yelled 'three am and alls well' early one morning
from the guard tower and soon everyone started yelling but
we got some complaints so we dont do it anymore.lol! i love your
mails and im so glad we at least have e-mail. the phones are
a mess. some guys get up real early just to go stand in line.
i will try to call soon but if i cant i will at least try to send you
an e-mail. i got another letter from you today! i love your letters
and save them till the end of the day reading them in bed. you
have kept me so alive here, like you, i long for the day we can
start our new lives together! we have so much in common,
its a dream come true and you will soon be in my arms!
well, better send, i cant bear to lose this! i will write more
(i promise) and i will get to the e-mail when i can. be patient if you
dont hear from me, you are always in my mind and heart. i love you
so much for being there for me. i love your kind words, i dont know
how i would have made it without you (through this hell 'of sorts').
love you babe! your husband...m

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