
Sunday, October 23, 2005

greetings old soldiers, greetings from the heartland! ive let this blog get away from me over the past year or two because this blog wasnt started simply to rant and rave about evil rich republicans and thier bible thumping hillbilly followers. in the early days of the iraq war we just wanted to blog our e-mails to give people an understanding of what life might be like for an infantry soldier in baghdad, a window of sorts. i told myself i would not forget iraq and that i would continue to blog, advocating shorter tours and remembering those who served thier nation. but i consider myself a liberal hawk and im a big fan of the u.s. constitution so its only natural that i take an interest in the politics of iraq and put in my two cents. the iraq constitution is a waste of paper, by the way. i dont have a solution for the war in iraq. ive always felt mistakes were made. i wrote home about such matters and its in alot of my e-mails that were posted for all to see. whatever, we cant leave iraq now. one of our big mistakes was letting the terrorists into iraq in the first place so now we must stay and deal with them or they will overun iraq. to compound the problem we excluded alot of nations, peoples and other groups from being a part of the iraq mission so we are further isolated in our goal for a democratic iraq. well, my future blogs will be more basic in that i need to share what i learned in iraq with others who may have to serve there or know someone who serves there. for someone stuck in iraq there are more important things to worry about. for example people need to know things like where to get a free phone card or what you can and cant mail. you can send booze, tobacco and porno overseas but you need to know how (ie, you must list such items so a postmaster knows what a package or letter contains,etc). people ask me about iraq and alot of thier questions include things that deal with creature comforts (like mail) as opposed to questions like "why is there war?" well, in the future i will try to blog more real life and other people can figure out what to do about politics, war and such. im still good for a rant or two, dont get me wrong, LOL!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

its interesting that bush now claims our enemies are extremist muslims. my guess is that he has avoided those words until now because so many of his supporters are religious extremists. they are not muslims but they hold many of the same views. i dont see much difference between pat robertson and bin ladin, for example. they advocate the same shit. both want rule by the bible (or koran) and do not support any constitution written by men. they seem to forget that thier holy books were written by men (really ignorant men who thought the world is/was flat, for example). both men advocate killing those who dont follow thier agenda. hells-bells, they preach killing world leaders in their sermons on national tv and the web videos. pat robertson called for the asassination of chavez on his broadcast, how is that differant than the rantings of bin laden and his ilk on video distributed everywhere in the world? drug addicts and chicken hawk pervs like rush and o'reilly add to the religious sabor rattling. the bottom line is that our war on terror is comprimised by bible thumpers and right-wing conservatives who we cant even tell apart from our real enemies. we need help on the war against terror but i cant help but to think that we could use a little less help from these awful people. we fouled up iraq from the start. most of america wanted saddam removed and we do have an interest in the region so most supported the war, but i thought it could have been handled so much better. i lost hope when we arrived in baghdad and learned that the local guard had been disbanded. what the @!$&!? who is going to stand guard duty here? me!? we did our part! why cant the iraqis do something? i was told by locals that most people went home to watch the invasion on cnn and never returned to thier posts. im still pissed about that. now the very enemy who knocked our buildings down and declared war on good people everywhere is running amok in iraq, the very area we sought to secure. now we are stuck in iraq (no, we cant leave, you crazy liberals). we need to see this thing out right or wrong and get on with the war on terror. anyway, maybe im getting too old for soldier work so i can only hope others will step up and serve in the war against terror. if we all vote democrat we might just have a fighting chance...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

greetings fellow infantry infidels! its been over a year now since i served in iraq and i told myself i wouldnt forget about everything going on over there but i have, almost. most of the people i know are back from iraq now and getting on with their lives so its easy to forget the war and everything going on around it. i lost some freinds in iraq but our unit came back with everybody it left with (despite serving in combat early in the conflict and having rockets fall on us we all came back to the towns we came from). i lost a friend who returned to iraq with another unit (louisiana guard) and i cant help but to remember that sad day. many of us were safe at home when we learned of this. we were lucky when we deployed. we were treated well and had just about everything we needed. despite slow mail, we recieved a lot of support from home as well. morale was only bad when the war was declared over and we were told we were going stay. it was also a blow to morale to learn we would no longer be attached to special operations. we were part of a lot of "high-speed" operations and now we would be sent to the regular army to be treated like stupid grunts. that was not the case (whew!) and we were treated well until our departure. we did all the typical infantry stuff but had other duties (like escorting big-shots and iraqis alike) to break the routine. the chow was great wherever we went. KBR does that well and i remember looking at the food and wondering what our ancestors would think (i dont remember what chow was like on iwo jima). we still bitched a lot. thats just part of being american and infantry, you bitch. its never been discouraged in any unit ive served in (the only exception would be boot camp where the leadership does the bitching! LOL). anyway, now that im no longer in the military i will continue to bitch even though i really have little to bitch about. its most fun to bitch about politics. i have to be a democrat because im just not afraid of terrorists, communists and homosexuals. republicans bitch about communists and homosexuals and i just dont understand their rant. the things people should be afraid of are things like poverty, pollution, social injustice, war, natural disasters and the like. i just cant vote for a party that says i should be afraid of pansys and commies, this old soldier knows what we should fear...

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