
Sunday, January 22, 2006

greetings to old soldiers everywhere! remember, "old soldiers dont die, they just fade away." i swore when i returned from iraq i wouldnt forget those still serving but in a lot of ways i have. most of the people i knew overseas are now at home and getting along with thier lives. thats just the reality of war, i guess. i feel that i can best support the troops by encouraging everyone i know here at home to vote and to vote republicans out of office. some of my republican friends have no idea that thier party (the bush administration) advocates cuts to the veterans administration. many republicans now claim veterans benefits are welfare. thats sad. this from a party that wont send its sons and daughters to war. go figure that. the party line in washington is that they can do what they want, the ends justify the means, blah,blah,blah. well, i happen to think the democrats can do a better job at running the war and the country. i could never support a political party that gives tax breaks to the rich and cuts benefits to the poor. im no communist but that policy strikes me as evil. i have to admit the republicans are good at selling thier snake oil. they have the masses in my "red state" believing that if you give rich people money the rich people will make you wealthy. if you believe that, ive got an air-conditioned palace in baghdad i want to sell youLOL! the bush administration is no friend of the veteran or the capitalist. they are robber barons. they have people like tim mcclain working to repeal veterans rights and to do away with veterans affairs, altogether. rep steve buyer(in) wants to outsource VA hospital care, for example. true business leaders and capitalists should take note. republican policy doesnt support a good "future" business enviroment. its all about now. the federal deficit is sky-rocketing out of control. oil prices at record highs. who cares about pensions, clean lakes and streams, safe mines or cheap crap from overseas? republicans do seem smart, however. they blame all thier problems on the democrats and that tactic does seem to work. when i talk politics to republicans they just point to the democrats," its all thier fualt". maybe the republicans are not smart, the democrats are just real stupid,LOL? well, my rant complete i retire to my quarters for a spot of tea(or an urn of coffeeLOL!),...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

seasons greetings and a happy new year to all good people! i cant help but to rant and rave from time to time but this year i will try to focus on the real evil of this world as it is the duty of all of those who blog from time to time to rant against evil. ive always said that people like pat robertson, jerry falwell and rush limbaugh are of the same cut as the muslim terrorists we are at war with. just listen to what they say. they are the same. for example, abortion is only illegal in radical muslim nations. duhh! people who want to make abortion illegal are terrorists. its that simple. there is a new word for these people and it is important that these evil people be framed in this light. people like bin laden and pat robertson are "flat-worlders." you could take them up in a spaceship and show them the planet earth but they will still tell you it is flat. here is the real enemy america, make no mistake about it. when i served in iraq i was not afraid of terrorists and now that i am living state-side i am still not afraid of terrorists, but people like robertson scare me. they also have their fingers in the white house (what do you think the harriet miers thing was all about?) and they pound the war drum, big time. if robertson and others believe in the same things as the iran clergy and other kooks, does that not make them one in the same? we have an old saying in the infantry, "if it walks like a duck,if it qwacks like a duck, it probably is a duck!" america needs to wake up and smell the enemy among us. the religious right and others will not stop at abortion. they will want other laws passed as well. they will continue to eat away at the fabric of our society because they are evil and want control. just look at history, its always the same. control over others. bin ladin and robertson want the clergy to rule over man and for the bible (or koran) to replace a nations constitution. dont believe it? just listen to these kooks run thier mouths. what do you think the constitional amendments against gay marriage is all about? who really cares if gays get married anyway? (why cant gays suffer like the rest of us,LOL!) meanwhile, back at the ranch, the republicans continue to rob the nations wealth. tax breaks for the rich, cuts to the poor. screw the indians and our nations veterans,while we have a budget to balance and souls to save...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

happy new year! except for republicans, they are evil and i hope they have a horrible year! they passed the health and human services bill before they left town for the holidays. now we know they are evil. who takes money from the poor and gives it to the rich at christmas time? we know who,...republicans! people who voted republican are not just evil, they are stupid as well. if you give a wealthy person money does that mean you get money in return? only if you invest in a business can you recieve money in return. who ever heard of investing in wealthy people? maybe im the stupid one. i have a business degree and i dont understand how that works. people should also know that only 7 per cent of the tax cuts go to people who make 50,000 dollars or less. and people vote republican? anyway, it wont be a good year in iraq. it looks like iraq is going to become a religious state if you consider the last elections. as if we dont have enough problems with terrorists today we're going to make more terrorists (there seems to be a pattern here, throughout history). most of the people i knew in baghdad were either christian or secular muslim and they will be screwed (especially women) by this new religious government. its a shame because they are good people and the most like americans when it comes to everyday living, yet we allow religious fanatics to rule thier day. of course, we have our own problems here in america. there are religious people here who want a religious state in america as well. people like jerry falwell and pat robertson are seeking to change our constitution and do just that but they are not in a majority as in iraq and other places (thank god for small favours,LOL!). i supported the war in afghanistan and iraq because the world has an intrest in that region but its hard to watch screw up after screw up and not voice an opinion. unfortunately, my prediction this year for iraq will be glum and i predict things will not change much for iraq. we just didnt invest enough, soon enough. good luck to everyone (even republicans) overseas and here at home. lets not forget the people who served in war or who are now serving,...

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